Zoe Hatziyannaki   
    the day the earth caught data
    (E1) (E2) ...
    a time of her own
    the lonely machine
    plein soleil  
    electric dreams 
    the past of things                            /
    to come
    after the end    
    ode to a grecian urn                        /
    local variations
    secrets and crises                           /
    fleeting island 
    regeneration stories                       /

    publications                                      /





... _Navigating, Head2Head, The Living Art Museum, Reykhavik, 12 Oct.-24 Nov 2024
_Data Dreams & Ethical Realities, Panel Discussion, Onassis AiR, 18 Sept, 2024
_The Day the Earth Caught Data at Kastelana, Pyrgos, Santorini 23 Aug-23 Sept 2024
_A Time of Her Own, Hellenic Centre, London, 15th May 2024
_Onassis AiR, Athens, February - March 2024 _The Nightmare of Persephone, Kairos Politismou, Tinos, 5-6 July 2023
_Arcaeological Dialogues, Syros, 27-29th May 2023 _Athens by Collage: The Representation of the Metropolis between Realism, Intervention and Autonomy, by Fabiano Micocci, Anteferma Editions.
_Curation of the exhibition Expressions of Light in Selene restaurant, Santorini,Sept -Oct. 2022
_Levels of Life: Photography Imaging and the Vertical Perspective - Conference and Exhibition,The Photographers Gallery & London College of Communication, 30th June-2nd July 2022
_Lipiu exhibition catalogue



We are not in the world, we become with the world; we become by contemplating it. Everything is vision, becoming. We become universes. Becoming animal, plant, molecular, becoming zero.
Deleuze G. and Guattari F., What is Philosophy? London, Verso (1994, p.169)

The main idea of After the End builds on a sci-fi, possibly doomsday, scenario where a group of people find themselves on a deserted land among dispersed apparatuses. The work reflects on the relations between society, technology and nature and the dystopian scenarios that largely surround them today. The series editing follows a continuation as the photographs succeed one another, in an attempt to suggest the notion of movement and transition and the importance of passage, as a means of reinventing ourselves and our futures within the world.

Installation shot, (IM)Material Gestures, Talking PIIGS, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin, 2016