2006-2010 PhD

The photographs attempt to explore space in Santorini today and they are products of my doctoral research "Fleeting island: the production of space in Santorini" (2006-10).

Santorini's case is important as it seems to have undergone a series of dramatic changes in recent years mainly due to the development of tourism. The series investigate the new mobile landscape that is being created. They try to suggest the fugitiveness of space through the portrayal of all the dynamics, and relational movements that are involved in its production. It is an effort to understand a place, like Santorini, through the flows and the relations that compose it today and not as a static, unchanging reality. The ‘writing’ of the automobiles’ lights, and, in fact, of every ‘light’ can evoke this idea of fluidity and in a way manage to translate time into space.

Photographing Folds, Rhizomes, issue 23.

Part of the video piece that was used in the PhD research: